Fill Your
Bliss Gaps


If you know something is “off” but you can’t quite put your finger on it, use this assessment to identify your bliss gaps. I’ll share practical advice that you can implement immediately so that you can experience more fulfillment, connection, and of course, bliss.

Identify your bliss gaps and receive

straightforward advice for filling them

  • Purpose

    Goals. Passions. Living life for you, instead of going through the motions and taking care of everyone else like a “good girl.”

  • Pleasure

    Alignment. Radiance. Creating and asking for what you want, and experiencing the full spectrum of your desires as result.

  • Peace

    Safety. Ease. Worry-free days. Operating from a sense of balance and maintaining control of your feelings and emotions.

  • Partnership

    Connection. Communication. A level of intimacy and passion that you cultivate together, in and outside of the bedroom.



Created by Erin Berry
Love, Sex, &
Relationship Coach

In my experience, when you aren't in bliss, you're stuck in one of two places: You know something isn't quite right, you can feel it in your bones, but you struggle to pinpoint what's going on. Or, you know where you're struggling -- but struggling to find the right level of change holds you back.

Most women just need some outside perspective to clarify what stands between then and their version of bliss. That's why I've created this assessment using my extensive experience and training in healing, female sexuality, Tantra, psychology, and stress cycles.

"Out of alignment" or "miserable" doesn't have to be your baseline.

You CAN create the peace, purpose, passion, and partnerships you’re looking for.

I was able to immediately apply what I learned…”

“I’m SO GLAD I took this assessment! I was completely off base when it came to what’s holding me back right now. The results helped call attention (in a non-judgmental way) to some important variables I’ve been overlooking. My gaps aren’t quite filled, yet, but I can tell you that after a few weeks of applying what I’ve learned that I’m feeling different: better, brighter, and hopeful for once!”

Find out where
you stand

It takes just five minutes. Identify what’s draining your bliss and learn how to connect with your desires. Start living life differently.